Friday, March 20, 2015

Web 2.0 Tool #1: myHistro

Mystery Logo 1:     is actually: 

How is everyone doing today?
Today we will be talking about myHistro!

First let's see if my hints brought you all to the right answer:
My hints were these
1) This can be used as a Web 2.0 Creativity Tool
2) Teachers and students can use this tool
3) This tool can only be used in one type of class

The answers are Yes, Yes, and Yes
This tool is indeed a Creativity Tool and also a Collaboration Tool
Teachers can use this tool in their classes, and students can use this to make more innovative homework assignments for their class
And this tool can only be used in History or any other Social Science Class (in regards to Education)

myHistro is a Web 2.0 Creativity Tool that is used to create interactive timelines. As I said earlier, this tool can be used in History (World History, Art History, U.S. History, European History, and classes that are similiar), due to its function: the elaboration and creation of timelines.

Here is a slideshare presentation found on the myHistro homepage that gives brief instructions on how to use it to make timelines

These are what the experts say about myHistro: (fragments from myHistro website)

Like Projeqt, another Web 2.0 Creativity Tool, that I will soon talk about in a later post, one can integrate Google Maps (in regards to the location of their story/timeline), Youtube videos that talk about their topic, and  photos that they have downloaded.

Here is an example of what you can do with myHistro:

French Revolution 

Enough writing!
Let's see a tutorial video that will show step-by-step how to use myHistro, and how to create your own timeline.*

Will you add this tool to your Web 2.0 Toolbox?
Yes or No? and Why?

Comment below :)

See you all on Monday, when we look at a new Web 2.0 Tool!

*I will post the video soon, due to technical dificulties with the myHistro Photo uploads

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