Saturday, March 28, 2015

Web 2.0 Tools #4: ECG Simulator from SkillSTAT

Good morning everyone!
Happy Saturday!

Today we are going to be talking about this tool:

ECG Simlulator is a tool from SkillSTAT. Although this may not seem to be a "traditional" Web 2.0 Tool, this tool can fall under the category of Problem Solving and Critical Thinking.

When a med student recieves a pathology quiz or worksheet for his or her pathology class, it is possible that the student may have to write a certain test that he or she would like to do for that patient. One of those tests is a Electrocardiogram or ECG / EKG for short. According to Medicine Net, a EKG is a "A recording of the electrical activity of the heart"

A student can use this tool to review the different pathologies that the heart can get due to internal or external factors of the patient's lifestyle. A teacher can also use this tool to teach his students about ECGs and pathogies

I think it will be better if I were to show you how to use this tool. 
Check out this How-To / Screencast Tutorial!

I hope you enjoy using this tool, either if you teach Cardiology or if you are curious and wish to know more about the human body!

Will you use this tool for educational purposes?
Will you add this into your Web 2.0 Toolbox?
Yes or No? Why?

Have a great day!

I will not be posting next week, for observance of the Holy Week

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